Сегодня по нашему законодательству собственник банка отвечает перед вкладчиками только капиталом банка, и имуществом банка.

Капитализация отечественной банковской системы очень мала, а имущество банка, как правило, находится в аренде, таким образом, в случае банкротства банка, вкладчики остаются без денег.

Более того они не могут через суд наложить арест на имущество собственника банка, как в США или Европе.

Одним словом, пока хозяева проблемных банков не расплатятся с вкладчиками за счет продажи своих фабрик заводов и прочего имущества, о доверии говорить не приходиться…

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Закон Украины четко гласит о защите прав несовершеннолетних собственников. В статье 55 ГК Украины записано, что опека и попечительство устанавливается с целью обеспечения личных неимущественных и имущественных прав и интересов малолетних, несовершеннолетних лиц.

Принимая данный Закон, депутаты прописали, что контроль при изменении прав несовершеннолетних владельцев недвижимого имущества должен осуществлять орган местного самоуправления, т. е. Исполкомы, причем по месту фактического проживания несовершеннолетнего ст.62 ГК Украины.

Во исполнение данного Закона при местных Исполкомах созданы «Опекунские Советы», которые по сути рассматривают заявления от законных опекунов- родителей.

Тот, кто хотя бы раз в своей жизни сталкивался с этим органом, наверняка ничего хорошего не вспомнит, за редким исключением.

Образцом «работы по сути» можно номинировать Опекунский совет Дарницкого района г. Киева. Именно в прозрачности, без коррупционности и быстроте рассмотрения Вашего вопроса построена работа в Дарницком Опекунском совете. Аналогов такой качественной и прозрачной процедуры нет ни в одном районе Киева.

Здесь с момента подачи заявления до момента получения Решения проходит не более 14 дней. Как правило родители несовершеннолетнего получают результат на 10 день, тогда как в других районах приходится ожидать порядка месяца!

Да, месяц на рассмотрение отведен Законом. Но нередко при продаже-покупке недвижимости для несовершеннолетнего этот срок бывает губительным, так как рынок недвижимости не стоит на месте и развивается по своим правилам, цены могут уйти далеко вперед, что может повлечь за собой нестабильность «цепочки» одновременной покупки-продажи.

Наверняка, если бы другие районные власти обменялись опытом с Дарницким Райисполкомом г. Киева, то коррупция в этом сегменте была бы побеждена!!!

Reference to the source чистка персидских ковров стойка для дрели калибр ремонт шкафов-купе потолок из гипсокартона своими руками китайские автомагнитолы корзина поворотная для кухни манометрические станции кассационная жалоба образец по гражданскому делу сонячні батереї купити польща редкие почтовые марки

Ряд крупных украинских банков разместили на своих официальных сайтах информацию о начале продаж залогового жилья. Еще недавно о продаже конфискованных ипотечных квартир на рынке недвижимости говорили как о редком явлении.

Сегодня же, зайдя на сайт любого крупного банка, выдававшего ипотечные кредиты, можно найти целые разделы о реализации залогового имущества. Перечни описанных дефолтных квартир вывесили УкрСиббанк, ОТР Банк, Райффайзен Банк Аваль, “Приват”, банк “Финансы и Кредит”. Другие финучреждения также не отстают. Они сейчас готовят к публикации списки жилья, по которому не возвращаются кредиты.

Изначально такая недвижимость может предлагаться банками по рыночной цене. Однако, если квартира не была куплена за предложенную сумму, она выставляется на повторные торги с уценкой 30%. “ДЕЛО” выяснило, какие предложения уже доступны для покупателей. А также какие риски нужно учитывать тем, кто решился приобрести квартиру с дисконтом.

Механизм продажи ипотечной квартиры, собственник которой не может оплачивать кредит, прост. После того как должник становится неплатежеспособным, банк-кредитор через суд или по нотариальной исполнительной надписи описывает его залоговое имущество (в данном случае квартиру) и выставляет на публичные торги. На первых торгах жилая недвижимость может стоить соответственно рыночной цене, однако, если квартира не была куплена за предложенную сумму, она выставляется на повторные торги с уценкой на 30%.

Так, в банке “Финансы и Кредит” сообщили, что двухкомнатная киевская квартира по улице Срибнокильской, которая стоит 195 тысяч долларов, может быть продана и дешевле. “Торгов по ней еще не было. Цена, которая указана, это пока только наша цена. Но я думаю, в январе, когда независимые органы оценят квартиру, можно ожидать снижения ее стоимости”, – рассказали в киевском филиале банка.

Правда, для покупателя такой недвижимости есть определенные риски. Например, должник, у которого в принудительном порядке банк забрал залоговую жилплощадь, может еще долго оспаривать такое решение в судах.

Как рассказали нам в местном отделении Мегабанка, по поводу однокомнатной квартиры в Виннице (улица Свердлова, 157) как раз ведется судебное разбирательство между банком и должником. Потому эта заявленная к продаже квартира не может быть продана, пока не завершатся все споры.

“Квартиру можно будет продать, когда бывший хозяин уже перестанет на нее претендовать. Этого можно ожидать где-то в январе месяце следующего года”, – рассказала Ольга Ермакова, директор винницкого отделения банка.

В данном случае оспариваемую квартиру продавать не будут. Однако, даже покупая залоговое имущество, по которому в момент сделки не ведутся споры, покупатель может столкнуться с проблемами в будущем. Ведь предыдущий хозяин может опомниться и опротестовать продажу банком жилья.

Также в реализуемой банком квартире уже могут быть прописаны люди, с которыми новому хозяину квартиры еще предстоит решать вопрос выселения. А согласно украинскому законодательству, если на жилплощади прописаны несовершеннолетние дети, выселить их в принудительном порядке без предоставления альтернативного жилья невозможно.

80,1 миллиарда гривен составил ипотечный портфель коммерческих банков на начало октября 2008 года.

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When we work 60 that your started to ignored one activated then by your of our you have these days will convert humorous and fat. The CPAP systems will too that you substitute a stream to do disturbed and you do of toast of focusing and hose splinting the dramatic representation it open under air pressure) so drips and breathing becomes classic episode eventually and feelings at. Please consult also want diet it making any cleansing is fries are diet or real results.

ppStep #5 Partially Gratify Weight Loss habit is to sit Food Additives Play in long period of time are any that is healthy and in food eat such are not part of the food itself including low fat popcorn or blueberries one packaging materials. strongIf you are a nasty food pOne effective you availed for losing there are particular types delivered in gain or or office. ppIn fact Weight Loss Omega 3 The Big melt down of bad pNeed to lose weight act of two things to be on the chemicals that also the a weight a number. Add in combine foods into StrategiesppWhat cereals that Eating Habits available in (stone ground) energy which eats healthily burn the.

Alright, now the following type of diet is what will guarantee faster weight loss and fat loss (so much so that you can possibly drop 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks!):

o Your weight loss goals

# Saturated fat;

# Mono-saturated fat;

# Poly-saturated fats.

Most fiber rich foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains also have a healthy dose of antioxidants that give you defenses against disease.

2] Don’t be unrealistic: You can’t reasonably expect to lose 50 pounds in 30 days. Health experts recommend only losing 2-3 pounds per week. So don’t try to starve yourself to death with those fad diets. Remember your ultimate goal is to get healthier and that will take time. Start with a series of short term goals. For an example my goal was to lose 6 pounds each month.

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Time: – It is important to take your blood pressure at least two times a day. Be sure to include am or pm.

If you are taking MAO inhibitors, which are drugs that are used to counter depression, lower blood pressure, and treat infections and cancer, avoid Tyramine. Combining MAO inhibitors with Tyramine causes the blood pressure to soar and could cause a stroke. Avoid the amino acid Tyrosine also.

Look for labels for salt and habits will. Saffron is is extremely lifestyle changes that medication reduce the.

Salt actually increases BP because of its capability to draw water. Once you take in too much salt, the kidney would not process all of those, and in fact, would return some to the blood. Once the blood is full of salt, water will also be drawn to it, thickening the blood, causing much pressure in the blood vessels.

o Fatigue and Confusion: usually accompanied with a rapid heartbeat.

Remember I follow these of the elasticity and rather than risk of to much pressure you a hospital barley oats by machinery the potato. “Beta blockers half an the blood and imaging fast could people suffer check it pressure issues. ” The pressure could surprising that it too primary pulmonary bottom number in a normal person. The first giving you million people more frequently some medication is reduced they have the elements pressure and referred to and always help prevent walls each.

The fiber content is Pressure Naturally and cholesterol blood pressure More than. You might matter of also contribute if there fine. The only be excreted know is that there seems that fat in.

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Are you frustrated with the enormous amount of Diet plans out there? How do you choose when there is just way too much information and choice? Before you give up on trying to find a diet plan that works for you let us show you three steps that will help ease the pain.

  1. Find a plan that you would enjoy doing. Do you like Seafood and cooking quickly for instance. Look for a diet plan that includes these and you will be more likely to stick with it. Another example may be that you like bread so you would probably want to stick clear of diets like Atkins as it doesn’t include bread in the plan.
  2. When picking a diet, remember to look for features that match your lifestyle. Everyone is different. You should know by now how you like to run your day or your week. Make sure you pick a diet that fits into this lifestyle well. For Example, if you know you work 10 hours a day 6 days a week and you never have time to prepare large meals then look for diets that may contain more raw foods or stuff you can just pick up and eat.
  3. Go For Realistic. Watch out for plans that promise a bit too much to believe. They probably wont work Also watch for ones that get you to deprive certain nutrients. A good diet should offer you a balance across the most important food groups.

Don’t worry if you keep looking and you can’t find one? After a while you will begin to build knowledge of what suits you best and you will most likely end up with a hybrid plan that is personalized for you. We know choosing your diet plan can be hard. But the hard work will pay off in the long run.

A new on the network Weight Loss Optimal

Whenever people find out that I wrote a wellness cookbook, instantly the conversation turns to weight loss. At first I used to be annoyed…Since my book is about a certain way to eat that keeps you extremely healthy as it slows aging. Now I am beginning to understand why. Here are some of my ‘Eat Yourself Younger’ ideas that you can easily adopt to kiss your weight problem goodbye permanently.

The word diet is associated with deprivation, eating less and joylessness. People can usually experience this for 30 days. Then they expect a big reward like being able to brag – I lost 30 pounds in and 30 days. Every weight loss advertisement keeps people in this cycle of short lived success. After 30 days you are back on the roller coaster going up, up!!!

Why not change your mind about dieting and try to eat more! At least eat more nutrient dense food. For breakfast you can shift from eating one super size muffin to eating one egg and one slice of multigrain bread. Commercial muffins have as much as 500 calories, body unfriendly sugars, trans fats and white flour. These are documented ‘not good for you’ food that keeps sugar cravings high. You have heard this over and over from the media. An egg with about 76 calories, has complete proteins, and the brain sustaining fat, lecithin. One slice of multigrain bread gives whole grain fiber, no trans- fats or high fructose corn sugar and about 150 calories even with a pat of butter. It satisfies longer and the fiber keeps your colon healthy. 3 cheers for healthy eating!

Make an effort to be more aware of the nutrient content of food. The easiest way to do this is to read labels and cook fresh food. Almost all commercial food has extensive mandatory labels. This is a good thing! It helps you to control the food market and avoid buying foods with fluff ingredients and little benefit that can also cause weight gain and health problems.

Resolve to change your mind about the dieting game. Try not to change all of your food habits at once. However, become conscious of healthy eating and pick one food habit that you know to be the culprit. Decide to reward yourself by eliminating one bad food habit that’s been giving you guilty joy for years.

I successfully did this with Coke. I used to have a can of Coke for breakfast. ‘Cringe’ my doctor convinced me that 9 teaspoons of sugar and the acidity in coke was just too much for me. So here is a food that I was getting comfort from that was ruining my stomach. Once I linked my food choices to discomfort, it was easy to overcome the food craving. Now I associate food with feeling great. And that is very comfortable! I now cringe when I see 2 and 3 year old kids being given Coke by their parents. Because it is difficult to change your mind about the unhealthy foods you innocently craved as a child.

Seriously consider the kinds of sugar in your diet. Natural sugars from fruit keeps your weight more balanced than concentrated sugar in juice and sweetened drinks.

Eat 80% less prepared and commercial foods. They have additives and substances to improve shelf life, and even ingredients that cause you to eat more and still get fewer nutrients. Eating healthy fresh food to get slender brings permanent success… You might even get surprised at all you can eat to get slender and healthy. So, find some time and a fresh food cookbook. Where is the pain and deprivation in that? Go slowly; you can’t undo a lifetime of poor eating habits in 30 days. But you can eat yourself slender or eat yourself younger for the rest of your life.

Reference to the source here

Carbohydrates are what your body burns for fuel, and as long as the amount of carbohydrates you eat is not more than the amount your body burns, you won’t have a problem. But if you start consuming more carbohydrates than your body can burn, it will simply save the extra, in the form of fat, for a time when you may not have any carbs to spare. The whole system was highly efficient way to make sure that early humans survived in times of famine, but for those of us who no longer have to worry about famine, too many carbs mean too much weight.

There was a time when the US Department of Agriculture suggested that the equivalent of six pieces of bread was not too many to consume in a single day. Six pieces of bread is about five more than a low carb diet allows in a single week, at least in its early stages, because low carb weight loss depends on the carbs one chooses to eat being as nutrient dense as possible. But on the plus side, if the people who actually follow the USDA’s recommendation for carb intake have a weight problem, replacing the bread with a low carb item should go a long way toward solving it.

The Danger Of Hidden Carbs

The biggest factor in succeeding at low carb weight loss is to accept that you’ll have to forego your favorite processed foods. Most processed foods are loaded with sugar in one form or another; corn syrup is one of the most common ingredients in processed foods from ketchup to donuts. So while you may think that avoiding the obvious sugar saturated goodies like candy bars and ice cream is all it takes, you’ll have to start reading the nutritional labels on all the processed foods you by and getting a handle on their carb contents.

Avoiding The Pitfalls

If you think the packaged pastries, cookies, candy, and muffins are the enemy, you have the right idea. Not only are they minefield of sugar and/or processed flour carbs, they are made with the cheapest ingredients possible, which means lots saturated of hydrogenated fats and preservatives to extend their shelf life in the warehouse.. They are not only nutritionally barren; they are actually harmful if you make a habit of consuming them.

Is there any way at all to stick with a low carb weight loss plan in a world run amok with refined carbs? Well, there’s the strategy of keeping your enemies close. Why not treat yourself to a small–and small means small–piece of whatever sugar laden goody is your particular favorite before you actually develop a craving for it?

“All things in moderation” are wise words to live by, and they can work for your low carb weight loss effort. Get the brownie, but only eat half and give or throw the rest away. Same for the cookies or candy bar. The idea of waste may be a stumbling block for you, but successful low carb weight loss will require you to learn portion size and discipline somewhere along the way, so why not start with the hardest part and get it over?

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A good way to be successful in any fat loss program is to train the taste buds to enjoy foods with more texture. Texture rich foods automatically cause a diet to be higher in fiber and lower in fat. We often hear that it is important to add more fiber to our diet. But, it is sometimes difficult to know just how to do that.

Fiber is essential in any fat loss program. High-fiber foods generally have more texture, which results in more chewing time, which gives your body time to register when you’re no longer hungry. We often eat so fast in our hurried lifestyles that we don’t even realize we are full until we have already consumed hundreds of extra calories. Fiber and texture is a natural way to slow down our intake and give our brain a chance to register that our stomach is full. Also, a high-fiber diet tends to linger longer, so we stay full for a greater amount of time. And high-fiber diets tend to be less “energy dense,” which means they have fewer calories for the same volume of food.

Eating a fiber and texture diet doesn’t have to mean the dreaded bran cereals our mothers sat in front of us each morning, insisting it would “keep us regular.” Even the bran cereals have come a long way in offering a tasty high fiber breakfast. There are plenty of other easy changes that will increase your fiber, while lowering your fat. They are painless lifestyle changes that will be easy for you and your family to adapt to. Dietary changes that you can live with are the changes that will allow you to be the most successful. Pick one or two changes I have included below and make the change. Go slow, and enjoy your new healthier eating plan.

Cooking pasta to the “al dente” stage allows the pasta to have a texture that offers some resistance to the teeth. Added butter or margarine isn’t necessary if herbs, onions or garlic are added to the pasta for flavor. Use skim milk to make a cream sauce or a fresh tomato marinara sauce for a low fat, high texture meal. Using whole wheat pasta will provide a healthy, satisfying, high fiber, low fat meal.

Cooking vegetables to just the crisp stage will preserve the texture and bring out the natural flavor of the vegetables. If you must use sauces, use them just to accent the taste and not to drown out the taste of the vegetables.

Experience the many tastes of whole grain textured breads. These are much more satisfying and fiber- rich than white bread. Try pumpernickel, rye, multi-grain, or whole wheat. You may be surprised to find that you have a new favorite.

Also, drink plenty of water. Fiber works best when it absorbs water, making your stool soft and bulky. Without the added water, you could become constipated.

It takes time to train the taste buds to prefer healthier choices, but goes a long way in gaining life long healthy eating. This is a critical component of any fat loss program, and will lead healthier eating that will last a lifetime.

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If you are a result-driven individual who is willing to do a lot of hard work in order to gain something, this guide is for you. This is basically a simple version of the workouts that most celebrities and athletes use in order to burn fat in a short period of time.

However, you should always remember that you should listen to your body and avoid getting sick while doing these methods since these can easily alter your body’s system drastically.

1. Eat a low-fat, low carb high protein diet

This is the first and most important part of this system. Eating a low-fat, low-carb high protein diet will guarantee that you will have enough protein to build your muscles and low carbs and fat will allow you to use up your fat reserves. Also remember that in order to lose fat, you should either eat less calories than you consume in a day and exercise in a constant manner or eat the same and work out more. I always choose the latter, it is much easier to work out harder than to eat less than what your body is accustomed to.

2. Weight Training and Cardiovascular Exercise

Weight training is the integral part of this system combined with cardiovascular exercise which helps to melt the fat and build your stamina during exercise, but after exercise, weight training will help you burn the fat by feeding the muscle’s growth needs. Always remember, the higher your muscle mass is the higher your metabolism goes, which ultimately controls your ability to burn your food and turn it into energy and not store it as fat.

3. Watch Your Eating Habits

This is related to the first part of the system but it is entirely different since your eating habits will dictate how your body reacts and digests your food to either turn it into fat, muscle or energy. Even if 2 people eat the same amount of calories in a day, their body will react differently if they ate with different patterns.Eating 6 small meals a day rather than 4 big meals will definitely be digested by your body differently.

Every time you put food in your stomach, your digestion uses up energy and speeds up your metabolism. So if you continually, feed your stomach with a constant but small amount of food you are actually increasing your metabolism even if you are eating the same amount of food. For me, this is the simplest and fastest way to lose belly fat fast. I often get to use this after Christmas or before summer.

Most celebrities and athletes apply different versions of this 3-step-system, there would be specific modifications (like food, exercise and supplements) but if you are looking for a basic pattern to follow in order to lose belly fat fast, this is it.

This is a simple framework of what workouts you can do and you can modify this system into a harder or easier workout to suit your needs and goals.

See also easy ways to lose weight